Marguerite Pepper
“I am passionate in my commitment to share and apply Joseph Pilates original principles – Concentration, Control, Centering, Precision, Flowing Movement and Alignment.”
Level 2 PAA Instructor
Marguerite graduated as a Pilates Instructor in 2018 and as an elder in our community relishes the sharing of her learnings with others who seek to find ways to focus, heal, question and find quality of life through movement.
As an Independent Producer in the Performing Arts for over 40 years, Marguerite has transitioned from being Director of Marguerite Pepper Productions to Pilates Instructor – a trajectory that has encouraged continual learning. At Sublime Pilates we pride ourselves on consultation and care of our clients, from those experiencing injuries and/or discomfort from everyday life tasks to the vagaries of the ageing process. Marguerite has embraced this philosophy with vigour.
Marguerite trained as a dancer, then built her career as an independent producer managing many well-known dance, physical theatre and circus companies. She was a pioneer in promoting Australian arts and culture internationally. Throughout these decades of producing, she continued to maintain her own practice from advanced yoga through to aerobics and X-Tend Barre. Once she discovered Pilates there was no looking back. Marguerite is now proud to focus her extensive life experience as a leader and share her wealth of knowledge with our clients.
Her Mature Mat-ters classes have become the most sought-after classes to join, for good reason. These classes are a tribute to all of Marguerite’s skills and vision.