2025 Payment Policy
Semi-Private Studio Classes (scroll down for Mat class policy)
This policy describes the two payment options available for clients taking Semi Private Studio classes
at Sublime Pilates for 2025. The two payment options are Annual Subscription and Block Payment.
1. Annual Subscription:
The annual subscription, paid monthly entitles clients to Semi Private class time continuity for the duration of their subscription. Their classes are booked for the whole year by Sublime Pilates.
An Annual Subscription entitles the purchaser to 1 or 2 Semi Private classes per week, for 50 weeks of the year. (Over the course of a year this equates to paying for 48 weeks of classes).
The Subscription – Monthly Payment:
1 class per week $180
2 classes per week $360
We do not refund a subscription payment.
$45 (redeemable for 1 class when forfeiting the annual subscription, or at the end of each 12 month period).
This fee will be carried on to the following year if the client chooses to continue with this payment model.
1.2.1 By invoice: Each month members will receive an invoice 7 days prior to the end of their month to be paid before the next month begins.
1.2.2 By direct debit: A member can set up a direct debit arrangement through their bank to pay the monthly fee into the Sublime Account.
1.3.1 Public Holidays when studio is closed – clients can book a different class time for those in advance, or we will credit that missed class in the following months invoice.
1.3.2 When teachers are away and we are unable to cover the class it will be credited to you in the following months invoice. If paying by direct debit it is the client’s responsibility to adjust the payment for that month accordingly.
1.4.1 With more than 24 hours notice, subscribers can book into an alternative class time/date within 30 days. Either rebook in the studio with your teacher or EMAIL to request a code to book yourself in online.
1.4.2 With less than 24 hours notice, Sublime Pilates is not obliged to rebook the client for an alternative time/date.
1.5.1 For clients going away for an extended period we offer a “sleep option” for clients who wish to retain their booked time slot.
1.5.2 If an extended absence is for 4 weeks or more, the sleep option is $120 per month. (or 70% of the subscription payment if more than 1 class per week).
1.5.3 If an extended absence is for more than 3 months, the sleep option is $100 per month. (or 55% of the subscription payment if more than 1 class per week).
1.5.4 We appreciate receiving any request for the Sleep Option with dates, 21 days in advance where possible. When it is less than 7 days you will still pay for the month as per above.
1.5.5 We ask that the sleep option payment be made for the full period of absence before your last class with us. If the sleep period is shortened we will credit that back to your Subscription as matches your attendance.
1.6.1 Clients wishing to cancel their Subscription must put it in writing 7 days in advance or the deposit payment ($45) is forfeited.
1.6.2 Cancellation of a subscription before the month end date will incur a fee equal to the amount still owed on that month’s payment. (ie If cancelling 1 week into the month a client forfeits the rest of the month’s payment if they don’t wish to attend their classes. “Month” -does not refer to a calendar month, but the date your Subscription started to the same date in the following month).
1.6.3 Clients can change from Subscription to Block payments by putting it in writing 7 days prior to the next monthly payment date. Their booked classes for the rest of the year will be cancelled (except for whatever they have purchased as their block).
2. Block Payment:
Clients can purchase Semi-Private studio sessions in 5 or 10 session Blocks, and book their own classes via the website.
2025 Block Prices
5 Block $235 valid for 2 months*
10 Block $450 valid for 3 months*
(*Validity date is set from first class booked in that block.)
Bookings made online can be done by purchasing a block and then using the code that system has sent you to book ongoing classes.
You can view THIS page for more help.
The next block can be purchased anytime during a current block, and clients can then book in these further classes up to 95 days in advance.
Blocks can be paid for online.
If clients are away for 2 weeks without contacting us we are entitled to cancel any future bookings with no refund given.
You can contact us to be waitlisted for a certain day and/or time.
Or select the Wailtlist link from your last confirmation email and waitlist yourself.
N.B. the booking system shows two waitlist options: 8am and 3pm – 8am is for any timeslot in the Morning, and 3pm is for any timeslot in the Afternoon.
Can I do subscription for 1 class and a block for another? Yes
If I am a Subscriber and want to do an extra class in the week is that possible? Of course! You can pay casually for that class at members price – $45 per class.
I would like to get better at using the booking system what kind of help is there for this? Get in touch with Tahmour; arrange a time to bring your device in and she can help you go through it. (Plus, there is the “how to” video link HERE).
Can I set up my own direct debit into the Sublime account for a regular subscription payment? Yes – we recommend this. However, it is up to you to adjust this when an invoice is adjusted due to cancellations (see 1.3)
Mat Class Payment & Cancellation Policy
For clarification we advise Sublime Pilates payment and cancellation policies.
This guarantees your Mat Class each week for the full term.
If you need to cancel a Class with more than 24 hours’ notice, we may be able to reschedule you
to another Class within that week, pending availability and your Instructor agreeing to the change.
If less than 24 hours’ notice given, the class will be forfeited.
Valid for 3 months. Any classes unused by the expiry date will be forfeited.
If you need to cancel your class with more than 24 hours’ notice, you may do so online,
this puts the class back onto your pass to rebook. If less than 24 hours’ notice given,
the class will be forfeited.
Casual bookings are the most flexible option.
If you need to cancel your class with more than 24 hours’ notice, you may do so online.
If less than 24 hours’ notice given, the class will be forfeited.
Available for Casual Bookings Online.
If classes are full then you can book as a “Waitlist” online. Your Instructor will honour
this booking wherever possible so if you decide not to wait, please let us know outside of
the 24 hour cancellation period so we can consider others who may also be “Waiting”.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to this policy. By booking a class,
you are agreeing to these terms. If you have any questions or need clarification,
please feel free to contact us!