Our Team

We bring together a team of accredited professionals who have extensive experience with a wide range of clients.

  • Tahmour K Bloomfield

    Qualifications: Level 3 PAA Instructor. Diploma of Pilates

    Advanced Certified FAMO Fascia Movement Teacher

    Experience: Professional Circus Artist for 20 years. Pilates Instructor for 9 years. Worked with over 100 clients, including high level athletes to those recovering from joint replacement surgery and those with conditions such as back injuries, Scoliosis, Arthritis, Sciatica and Diastis Recti.

  • Marguerite Pepper

    Qualifications: Level 2 PAA Instructor. Diploma of Pilates

    Experience: Marguerite has been teaching Pilates for 6 years, and as an elder in our community relishes the sharing of her learnings with others who seek to find ways to focus, heal, question and find quality of life through movement.

  • Jane Adams

    Qualifications : Diploma in Professional Pilates Instruction (Pilates ITC)

    Experience: Jane came to Pilates over 20 years ago to heal a back injury. She qualified in 2021 as an instructor. She brings a mindful, focused approach to classes, with a sprinkling of English humour.

  • Stuart Christie

    Qualifications: Diploma of Pilates

    Experience: Stuart has been a Circus performer, trainer and rigger for many years. Stuart found that during his time as a circus performer, Pilates exercises were useful tools for progressing stunts and tricks.

    “Since delving deeper with Pilates I have found my own quality of movement has greatly improved, along with my understanding of the body. It is the variety of targeted exercises which can flow to the next that interests me the most about Pilates, and how much it helps you walk around in life.”

  • Monika De Caux

    Qualifications: Level 1 Advanced Matwork and Reformer

    Experience: Monika has been teaching Pilates for 12 years. Inspired by Reformers she progressed her study to matwork and has made a name for herself in the mountains as a strong teacher. We’re very honoured to have her as part of our team.

    Monika’s classes are strength based with a flow to give you a seamless burn. Monika does pilates to make you feel the strongest version of yourself

  • Claire Mercer

    Qualifications: Polestar Pilates Certified Practitioner of Pilates Studio 2024. 

    Having experienced a back injury and chronic pain Claire has an interest in the power of exercise to help people feel strong, confident in their movement and manage injuries. 

    Masters of International Development 

    Experience: Claire has been practising Pilates for more than 20 years. As a teenager she started Pilates to complement her ballet dancing and has continued it ever since. In 2024 she received her formal qualification and is excited to continue her practice as a Pilates instructor.

  • Hannah Surtees

    Administration Support & Marketing

    Hannah is a Creative Industries professional, and Arts Administrator.

    Hannah has been a passionate student of Sublime Pilates since it first opened its doors. You can find her in the much loved 9.30am Friday class, asking T for the millionth time where exactly her glutes are.

What People are Saying

“Mat classes at Sublime is the highlight of each Tuesday for me; it is a link to the local community, to women like me.  I learn about the needs of my ageing body at mat classes in a practical way.  I see other women just like me keeping bodies moving and flexible. It is so good to be ‘part’ of something that motivates and inspires me to keep going. I can even get off the floor now with no hands.  Couldn’t do that before. Didn’t know the technique.   After a mat class my connection to my body is evident.  I can feel it, my consciousness of it has doubled.  I go each week and this keeps me going till the next week.  I love the community, the spirt and the practice of what Tahmour and Marguerite so generously offer.

 Liz , 66 , who survived the last lockdown as a recently arrived resident thanks to Sublime Pilates  Mat classes.

 What people are saying

“I love it! I’ve worked on bodies for nearly 20 years as a remedial therapist and I highly recommend Tahmour. She knows her stuff and is very effective because of it.  She carries a lightness and funniness about her, which is refreshing and encouraging to be around. Each class offers a unique and exciting challenge... I always feel amazing when I leave.”

— YDF Local massage Therapist